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Project 6: Final Animation

Franklin Liu 5/13/2022


The animation revolves around a pen, pencil and eraser. The pencil woken up and jumps out of the bin but sees the eraser and gets scared. As a result, pencil starts writing and drawing on the paper so the erasers chases the pencil and tries to eraser the pencil marks. However, the eraser realizes it can't erasers the pencil marks and now the pen jumps out and brave enough to write on the paper too giving a farewell message to CS 417.

Three frames from animation

For this project the problem I encountered was getting the pen to write out a words which involved using the paint tool and then attach the pen object to the paint curve and then adjusting the max clip value so it looks like it would be writing out the word. Also after you group an object into the categories of rotate, scale, and translate, its not very cooperative when you try to attach curve object which is why I had to duplicate the object which was ungrouped and then at the certain frame I would keyframe the visibility for each respective object.
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